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KTN#3 Exhibition Opening-77.JPG

Know Thy Neighbour #3
Produced by Spaced and presented in partnership with UWA School of Design, 2021 - 2023


Supported by DLGSC

Project Team
Curator: Mayma Awaida

Artists: Amy Perejuan-Capone, Olga Cironis, Elham Eshraghian-Haakansson, Jessee Lee Johns, Yabini Kickett

Community Partners: City of Armadale, Town of East Fremantle, City of Melville, City of Subiaco, Victoria Park Community Centre

Know Thy Neighbour #3 is a provocation to the familiarity of place, asking communities to step outside of fami­liar en­gage­ments and locations; to seek out scenarios or contexts that defamiliar­ise and recontextual­ise “the local” for communities, audi­ences, or the artists them­selves and ask how we can meaningfully engage in the making of our cities.


Taking the form of an extended residency, five artists were each paired with a community host partner, in which they were asked to inves­tigates notions of place, sites of interest, networks, and social relationships.

The final presentation of the program was housed at Cullity Gallery, UWA School of Design as an exhibition. The culminating work was a joint outcome negotiated between the artist in residence and the community they worked with, articulating a lived experience of the neighbourhood in a creative setting.

Image Credits: Emma Daisy

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APC - Photos by Emma Daisy 1.JPG
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EEH - Photos by Emma Daisy 4.JPG
EEH - Photos by Emma Daisy 3.JPG

I acknowledge that the lands I live, work, and create from, are the traditional lands of the Whadjuk Noongar people.

 © 2023 by Mayma Awaida

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